#09 Value is a Multyplier

What do we mean when we say that Value is a Multiplier?

If our message is:

  • clear

  • organized

  • structured

it’s great, BUT...

BUT if the message doesn't bring value to people, then the message is worth nothing.

Value is the multiplier. If value equals 0, then everything else will also be equal to 0.

There's a similar idea from Derek Siver, in the book "Everything You Want," which says that execution is the multiplier of ideas.

Having good ideas is a great thing, but if they aren't executed, they're worth zero.

On the other hand, when the form is poor but the value is present, the content will be rich anyway.

product = (everything_else) x value

So the absence of value can bring down the entire thing to zero, but a bit of it can actually multiply the result of an unperfect thing. 

Sure...identifying value is easier said than done.

However, some coordinates can help us because value is something that develops over three dimensions.

#1 Gain-Pain

Value exists when something increases our gain (+) or reduces our pain (-).

#2 Want-Need

Value is something that reflects what we want or, even better!, what we need.

#3 Available-Attainable

And the third element definitely relates to availability. Hard-to-get things or things that are scarce have more value.

When we start projecting value onto these axes, it's easier for us to understand whether our product or service has value on all these axes, or it helps us understand which axis we need to work on.

As always, I'm Gianluca Cinquepalmi, this is Leadership Sketch, and until the next sketch don't forget: Inspire, Challenge & Disrupt.


#10 Thinking in Quarters


#08 - Fighting Chronic Procrastination