🤷‍♂️ When Shall We Manage vs. When Shall We Lead?

[ 5 Min Read ]

Do you know when to Lead and when to Manage?

It might seem obvious, but actually, it is not.

Management is Not Leadership.

One of the most common misconceptions I observed in many organizations is the confusion between management and leadership.

More often than not, they are seen as synonymous. But they are most definitely not. My interest in the subject was initiated by some interesting conversations I had with various entrepreneurs, directors, and executives whom I was interviewing for my podcast.

I asked them what the most pressing issues were within their organization, as they were restructuring post-pandemic.

Their answer was almost unanimously the following:

  1. The ability of their executives to lead change and

  2. The ability to foster an environment where people would be able to think creatively about new business solutions or opportunities.

Don’t Confuse Apples 🍏 and Pears 🍐

Confusing these two concepts is one of the reasons why we often find it difficult to influence and empower people.

A manager is an assigned ROLE or title, like “Quarterback” or “Goalkeeper.” On the other hand, leadership is an ATTITUDE that can't be assigned; it must be EARNED.

Let me drop a controversial statement:

“You could lead without managing, and you could manage without leading.”

You must realize that both leadership and management are EXTREMELY important, but they serve very different PURPOSES.

I have seen first-hand the massive damage caused to businesses and organizations when such a distinction is not clear: when we believe we are LEADING, but in reality, we should be MANAGING.

Or when we are MANAGING, or trying to Manage, and in reality, we should be LEADING.

A personal note here. I have myself been in the position of being both a leader and a manager. Sometimes, distinguishing the two is not very easy. I believe many people in this position, sooner or later, feel this confusion.

So Which is Which?

Let’s look at them side by side Briefly.

🐴 By definition, management is mainly concerned with EFFICIENCY and OPTIMIZATION.

🦄 In contrast, leadership is about PURPOSE, VISION, and GUIDANCE.

🐴 Management, to be effective, must rely on proven, STRUCTURED, repeatable PROCESSES.

🦄 In contrast, leadership is sustained by positively reinforcing PRACTICES.

🐴 Management should provide Clear, Specific, and clear Directions.

🦄 Leadership is about MODELING behavior and influencing people.

I wish the above distinction would be so clear-cut.

The reality is that separating one from the other, especially when you are in a position of both leadership and management, juggling between the two is not so easy.

The fundamental difference between Management and Leadership is the same between Science and Art. I love the following quote from the bestselling book.

The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life by Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff.

Management can be learned in a Systematic and Logical way.

Leadership must be acquired by example, experience, and practice.


Very often as a first-time manager or even as a seasoned one taking on a new position, you might be struggling with the following:

  • Feeling uncertain about your ability to lead others effectively;

  • Being unsure about how to establish your authority without alienating your team.

  • Understanding the unique personalities and motivations of your team members.

Well you are not alone. You must seek some guidance and learn how to maximize your full potential. This is where an understanding of different leadership models comes into play. You have to learn how to Inspire, Challenge, and Disrupt.


  • When we do not have all the answers, it is pretty hard to prove our expertise. This is where we have to master the art of leadership, leveraging our collective genius to seek valuable answers.


  • We cannot lead without expertise, authority, or manipulation. Not true. Even when we do not have all the answers and we struggle to manage, we can actually lead. Lead our team to look for the “real” problems and use their creativity to conceive a set of viable answers.


So, when should you LEAD, and when should you MANAGE?

Try asking yourself: Do I have a structured and proven process to achieve the desired result with the current structure and resources?

If the answer is YES, then you should MANAGE.

If the answer is NO, you must rely on your team to find alternative solutions, then you should LEAD.

💬 If you want to know more about the Creative Leadership framework, let me know in the comments or reply to this email.

🚀 Share this piece with someone who can help and sustain you in your Creative Leadership Journey. Leadership is better when shared.

Here are three ways to kick off your creative leadership journey.

  1. [The Art of Creative Leadership] Book. If you want to know more about Creative Leadership. Grab your copy of [The Art of Creative Leadership] and gain access to our [online community] of creativeldrs.

  2. [Join The Creativeldrs Community]. Share and learn from a community of like-minded people who want to be leaders and create a true impact. Discover Practical tools (Plays). Share and Learn from others, discover 100+ resources and Monthly meetups to grow as a Modern leader.

  3. [Multiply Time Challenge]. If, like me, you feel constantly overwhelmed and out of time. You struggle to find the time to grow as a leader and empower your team. Join the multiply time Challenge. Free-up at least 3 hours per week.


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